Talk the Line

Dear Reader,


Don’t be mad. I cheated. So this book I’m writing, it’s basically a script. But without all the in-betweeny stuff that puts it into the script pile. You know what though, I really don’t care. It’s working for the story that I’m putting together and that’s all that matters. The rules for writing a book are that there are no rules!

When I read a book, I find myself searching for the next piece of dialogue anyway, so I like to think that I’m writing for all those other readers like me who hate the slog though wordy paragraphs. I like talking. I like listening to other people talk. I like the way that in speech there are so many hidden layers. A person can say one thing and totally mean another and when there is ONLY dialogue, it’s tricky to know anyone’s true agenda. I feel like with most novels, you will usually get the explanation in between the dialogue, of what that character actually feels despite what they said. If not right then, then later. But, in my story, there won’t be any of that. Any explanation will come from the character’s own mouth.


Thanks for reading


3 thoughts on “Talk the Line

    • Not so crazy I guess. With what I’m writing though, part of the point of it is that the reader gives them voices to make them relevant to themselves personally. Which wouldn’t work with radio as they’ve been ‘cast’. I feel it definitely will work as a book, perhaps best as a book.

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