The Blog That Time Forgot

Dear Reader,


Once again, I have reached that time where I must say ‘Gosh, it’s been a mighty long time since I last posted.’

Now that’s over and done with, I came to comment on writing. Duh. I have noticed recently from reading other blogs (yes, I still manage to have time to do that, even though I have had next to no time for my own blog recently!) that the trend of scriptwriters crossing over to novel writing and occasionally crossing back is rather common.

I came to the conclusion that I wanted to write stories a very long time ago, but I suppose I was waiting for the right way for me to tell those stories. I had believed it was through script, as I love film so much. However, the restrictions that exist for script (especially for nobodies such as myself) make the whole experience rather limiting and I found I would fret more over the finer details of whether I had done it ‘right’ rather than focusing on getting it done at all. Not exactly productive. Not exactly encouraging creativity either.

My next thought is; is being a good writer one who tells a great story? Or one who uses a vast vocabulary and boasts it with every other word needing a dictionary? For me, the obvious answer is the first one. It has to be. That’s the whole point of being a writer – surely? I have seen so many Creative Writing graduates go on and on about how they’re going to write a novel and it’s going to be amazing. They even post excerpts on their blogs. But, when I’ve bothered to sit down and read any of their work, I can’t work out the story because it’s been buried beneath their vast vocabulary. They must think it’s impressive, but to a reader – well, to ME as a reader – it’s incredibly off putting and dare I say it, boring.

I’m sure it’s that readers just have personal preferences when it comes to the types of stories they like to read and that’s why there are different types of writers to cater to them. I’ll never force myself to use a word that I don’t understand or that I think a reader won’t understand, because what’s the point? Enjoying a story shouldn’t be hard work. It should be easy, simple and not make the readers head hurt.

Thanks for reading
