Just Married to My Script

Dear Reader,

I’m still in the honeymoon stage of my script-writing. Everything still feels exciting, fresh and I’m having new ideas for the next stage or the next scene at random moments of the day.  I’m still thinking about it when I’m not writing it. I’m still in love.

There does come a time, however, where it changes from being everything I imagined it could be, to becoming something that I just have to deal with every day just to get to the end. Fed up with the marriage analogies yet? I feel like it’s a good analogy though. It works. When you come up with the idea, it’s just like asking yourself ‘Do you want to write this story?’. Your reply – ‘I do.’. There are a tonne more, but I won’t bore you with them. I’m sure you can work the rest out for yourself.

I’m trying to keep it going, (my enthusiasm, that is) by writing the exciting bits as they come to me. Still in sequence, but rather than do the padding out bits, I’m jumping straight to the crux of the scene. At the moment, it’s working. It’s tough trying to keep the enthusiasm going at times. Especially when I don’t know when, or for how long I am going to get to sit down and work on my script. But, a lot of the scripts on my laptop end up half finished purely because my enthusiasm for them wears down. More often than not, it’s actually because I take so long to write the damn thing that I’ve thought of another idea that I’d rather get written instead . Not exactly the best system is it.

Well, guess what? I’ve done 11 pages so far and I’m feelin’ good.

Thanks for reading






Scriptwriters Assemble

Dear Reader,

I’m hoping someone can help me. You know that it’s supposed to be a page a minute with scripts yeah? Well, when there’s no talking and it’s just action, but there’s no way you describing the action on paper is going to take as long as the action will actually take on screen (following?), what do you do? I have no idea and can’t find it clearly explained by Mr Google.


Thanks a bunch if you can help!
